As incredible as the following correspondence may seem, we affirm
that it is genuine. While the letters from this anti-Mormon certainly do not
represent all of the anti-Mormon community, yet, sadly enough, all to often we receive
correspondence similar to the following. Though the original note was sent to Gary Novak, former proprietor of the Worst of the Anti-Mormon
web, most of the following correspondence is between Dr. Daniel C. Peterson and Adam
Letters One through Ten

Letter One
From: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
To: novak@teleport.com <novak@teleport.com>
Date: Monday, June 22, 1998 12:57 PM
Subject: I am an Anti-Mormon Greetings,
I am the President of a new organization, the "Anti-Mormon
Crusade". My group calls the Book of Mormon phone numbers and orders them
so nobody else can read the FALSE testimant of Jesus Christ. The missionaries come
to our houses and waste their time trying to talk to us about their cult. They also
have given us many copies of the book of mormon. You mormons are pretty stupid.
The missionaries haven't even begun to realize that I'm really just taking them for
a big ride. You can bet that in time my organization will keep on growing and take
many more of your books. The book of mormon is just a big lie that gets people very
confused about Jesus. I hope you can realize that the Bible is the one and only word
of God before it's too late.
Letter Two
From: Gary Novak <novak@teleport.com>
To: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, June 22, 1998 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: I am an Anti-Mormon Scott:
I am wondering if someone who is "smart," as you seem to
be claiming for yourself, actually tells people about their master plan. This would
work so much better if no one knows--unless, of course, you have some kind of urge to brag
about such matters and inflate your pride.
Now the missionaries normally keep track of where they have been and
also what they have done there. They also keep pretty careful notes and these they
pass on to the next missionaries to take their place. So you will forgive me if I am
a bit skeptical about your claims.
I am also curious if you have an argument to back up your
unsupported assertion that the Book of Mormon "is just a big lie?" Why
bother sharing this with me? I have an opinion-- to say nothing of a faith and a
hope--that is exactly the opposite of yours. And I happen to believe that you will
get closer to God through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ than through silly sectarian
notions about the Bible being "the one and only word of God."
So let me take this opportunity to urge you to shed your sectarian
bigotry and read and pray about the Book of Mormon with a sincere heart and real intent,
as we say, and to experiment upon the word of God. I am confident that if you are
able to do this and thereby also repent of your pride and follies, you too will be able to
share in the fruits of the Church of Jesus Christ.
>-----Original Message-----
[deleted for brevity sake - see Letter One] |
Letter Three
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 16:53:59 -0700
From: Daniel Peterson <dcp6@email.byu.edu>
Subject: Unembarrassed depravity
To: aksrocks@yahoo.com
Cc: Skinny-L <SKINNY-L@teleport.com> Dear Mr. Scott:
A friend shared with me your e-mail message, in which you boast of
your unethical behavior in attempting to fight the Church of Jesus Christ.
you are not jesting, not masquerading as an anti-Mormon in order to make anti-Mormons look
bad, your pride in your deceitfulness is both sad and revealing -- and not a very good
advertisement for your brand of Christianity.
I have heard of your technique several times recently from other
enemies of the Church. Perhaps it is a new fad ("Morally Blind Zealots for
Jesus," or something of the sort).
Daniel Peterson |
Letter Four
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 18:05:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Unembarrassed depravity
To: Daniel_Peterson@byu.edu ---Daniel Peterson
<dcp6@email.byu.edu> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Scott:
> A friend shared with me your e-mail message, in which you boast
> of your unethical behavior in attempting to fight the Church of
> Jesus Christ.
> Assuming you are not jesting, not masquerading as an
> anti-Mormon in order to make anti-Mormons look bad, your pride in
> your deceitfulness is both sad and revealing -- and not a very good
> advertisement for your brand of Christianity.
> I have heard of your technique several times recently from other
> enemies of the Church. Perhaps it is a new fad ("Morally Blind
> Zealots for Jesus," or something of the sort).
> Sincerely,
> Daniel Peterson
Dear Daniel:
Your response to my e-mail was filled with many mistakes. First of all, it's not the
Church of Jesus Christ, but the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Secondly, it
really is not a church at all, but a cult formed by the devil himself.
I think you mormons
need to realize the book of mormon is just a lie made by Satan to confuse people, and the
more I intercept you have to give out to people who don't know what a big lie it is.
Letter Five
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 20:29:20 -0700
From: Daniel Peterson <dcp6@email.byu.edu>
Subject: Very Tired of Such Foolishness
To: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Cc: Skinny-L <SKINNY-L@teleport.com> Mr. Scott:
I am going to be entirely frank with you.
"It's not the Church of Jesus Christ," you incorrectly
claim, "but the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."
In fact, it IS the Church of Jesus Christ, restored to earth again
-- and flourishing, despite the worst efforts of ignorant and sometimes even murderous
religious bigots . But if you insist on the full title of the Church, it is "The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Note the punctuation and
capitalization. Before proceeding with your theological errors, you should at least
clean up your mechanical ones.
"Secondly," you falsely state, "it really is not a
church at all, but a cult formed by the devil himself."
Ah yes. Vintage anti-Mormon definitional games. It's not
a church because it isn't precisely like YOUR little sect of western Christendom. If
it ain't like you, it's evil and wrong by definition -- because you and your beliefs are
the cosmic standard by which all others are to be judged.
And just how, exactly, do you define the word
"cult?" I have looked at dozens of silly definitions offered up by
anti-Mormons like yourself, and, without fail thus far, they have all lacked historical
support and logical rigor. I am quite confident that yours will, as well. The
general meaning of "cult" as used by religious bigots turns out to be "a
religion or church of which I, God's favorite, disapprove." It is about as
significant as a grunt -- but less intellectually honest.
"Formed by the devil himself"? I wonder how much you
really know about the history of the Restoration, that you would make so outlandish,
sweeping, offensive, ignorant, and laughable a claim.
Without, I suspect, actually thinking at all, you say, "I think
you mormons need to realize the book of mormon is just a lie made by Satan to confuse
Well, I think it isn't. And I'll bet that I know a whole lot
more about the subject than you do. YOU need to realize that it is true, and that
your opinion is baseless, false, and, what is more, completely uninteresting.
Finally, rather incoherently, you conclude by saying, "the more
I intercept you have to give out to people who don't know what a big lie it is."
Thus, you continue to boast of your unethical behavior in attempting
to fight the Church of Jesus Christ. And your shameless pride in your deceitfulness
continues to be both sad and revealing. It remains a very poor advertisement for
your recent minority western European brand of Christianity. I am sure that I speak
for others in saying that I am tired, very tired, of uninformed, narrow-minded chauvinists
strutting about and spouting nonsense about my faith.
Rather than boasting about your dishonesty and crowing about your
unbiblical theology, you should repent. And, then, have a nice day.
Quite sincerely,
Daniel C. Peterson |
Letter Six
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 14:36:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Very Tired of Such Foolishness
To: Daniel_Peterson@byu.edu ---Daniel Peterson
<dcp6@email.byu.edu> wrote:
> Mr. Scott:
> I am going to be entirely frank with you.
> "It's not the Church of Jesus Christ," you
incorrectly claim, "but
> the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."
> In fact, it IS the Church of Jesus Christ, restored to earth
again --
> and flourishing, despite the worst efforts of ignorant and
> sometimes even murderous religious bigots. But if you insist on
> the full title of the Church, it is "The Church of Jesus Christ of
> Latter-day Saints." Note the punctuation and capitalization.
> Before proceeding with your theological errors, you should at least
> clean up your mechanical ones.
> "Secondly," you falsely state, "it really is not
a church at all, but a
> cult formed by the devil himself."
> Ah yes. Vintage anti-Mormon definitional games.
It's not a church
> because it isn't precisely like YOUR little sect of western
> Christendom. If it ain't like you, it's evil and wrong by definition --
> because you and your beliefs are the cosmic standard by which all
> others are to be judged.
> And just how, exactly, do you define the word
"cult?" I have
> looked at dozens of silly definitions offered up by anti-Mormons
> like yourself, and, without fail thus far, they have all lacked
> historical support and logical rigor. I am quite confident that yours
> will, as well. The general meaning of "cult" as used by religious
> bigots turns out to be
"a religion or church of which I, God's
> favorite, disapprove." It is about as significant as a grunt -- but
> less intellectually honest.
> "Formed by the devil himself"? I wonder how
much you really
> know about the history of the Restoration, that you would make so
> outlandish, sweeping, offensive, ignorant, and laughable a claim.
> Without, I suspect, actually thinking at all, you say, "I
think you
> mormons need to realize the book of mormon is just a lie made by
> Satan to confuse people."
> Well, I think it isn't. And I'll bet that I know a whole
lot more about
> the subject than you do. YOU need to realize that it is true, and
> that your opinion is baseless, false, and, what is more, completely
> uninteresting.
> Finally, rather incoherently, you conclude by saying, "the
more I
> intercept you have to give out to people who don't know what a big
> lie it is."
> Thus, you continue to boast of your unethical behavior in
> attempting to fight the Church of Jesus Christ. And your
> shameless pride in your deceitfulness continues to be both sad
> and revealing. It remains a very poor advertisement for your recent
> minority western European brand of Christianity. I am sure that I
> speak for others in saying that I am tired, very tired, of uninformed,
> narrow-minded chauvinists strutting about and spouting nonsense
> about my faith.
> Rather than boasting about your dishonesty and crowing about
> your unbiblical theology, you should repent. And, then, have a
. nice day.
> Quite sincerely,
> Daniel C. Peterson
MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Letter Seven
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:23:22 -0700
From: Daniel Peterson <dcp6@email.byu.edu>
Subject: Adam's Transgression
To: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Cc: Skinny-L <SKINNY-L@teleport.com> Dear Mr. Scott:
I have shared your response ("GET A LIFE OUTSIDE OF YOUR STUPID
CULT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") with a number of my friends.
I would imagine that they were impressed, as I was, by the logic and
persuasive power of your reply, and by your convincing use of evidence.
Most of all, though, I was deeply moved by the charitable spirit of
your remarks. The depth of your Christian discipleship is clearly apparent in your
posting to me, and I can't imagine why conservative Protestant churches aren't just
bursting at the seams with converts, so long as there are followers of Jesus like you
around to exemplify the beauties of the gospel.
Daniel C. Peterson |
Letter Eight
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:51:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Adam's Transgression
To: Daniel_Peterson@byu.edu ---Daniel Peterson
<dcp6@email.byu.edu> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Scott:
> I have shared your response ("GET A LIFE OUTSIDE OF YOUR
> STUPID CULT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") with a number of my
> friends.
> I would imagine that they were impressed, as I was, by the
> and persuasive power of your reply, and by your convincing use of
> evidence.
> Most of all, though, I was deeply moved by the charitable
spirit of
> your remarks. The depth of your Christian discipleship is clearly
> apparent in your posting to me, and I can't imagine why
> conservative Protestant churches aren't just bursting at the seams
> with converts, so long as there are followers of Jesus like you
> around to exemplify the beauties of the gospel.
> Cordially,
> Daniel C. Peterson
My Friend,
I hope that your church strongly considers changing it's name yo the church of jesus
christ of latter day ain'ts. I can only hope that my convincing use of evidence
will one day be as strong as yours is now. You have really convinced me to become a
mormon. Maybe one day I can have lots of wives when I am god of my own planet.
You mormons really really know your Bible. It's real neat how you guys focus
on two or three words of a chapter and miss the whole picture. One day you'll
realize the book of mormon is just like people believing the Earth is flat.
Letter Nine
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 21:09:29 -0700
From: Daniel Peterson <dcp6@email.byu.edu>
Subject: 12? Perhaps 13? 16, and just failed your driving test?
To: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Cc: Skinny-L <SKINNY-L@teleport.com> OK Adam, level
with me. How old are you? If you are a young kid, quarter-educated by our
American public schools, insecure, bursting with the kind of adolescent hormonal zeal that
fired up the Chinese Red Guards and the Hitler Youth, I might be able to understand your
over-the-top hostility. Otherwise, I would suggest that you stow it. Somebody,
someday, somewhere, will not be as kind (or as non-violent) as I am.
You have gone out of your way -- albeit unsuccessfully -- to offend
and insult someone you don't even know, presumably in the name of Jesus of Nazareth (which
is an even greater offense and insult -- against HIM). You are ablaze with ignorant
aggressiveness. You presume to judge things and people of which you clearly know
If you intend to continue assaulting Latter-day Saints, learn
something. Read something. Understand something.
But there are more fundamental steps for you to take.
Grow up, Adam. Read your Bible. Concentrate for a while
on the four gospels. Try to model your life on that of Jesus. Learn to control
your unfortunate compulsion to lash out at others. Read 1 Corinthians 13.
Internalize it. The Bible is not a weapon with which to beat other
people. It is a guide on how to live. Its primary message is not that OTHER
people are wicked, but that the person reading it needs to repent and turn to God.
Do so.
Daniel C. Peterson |
Letter Ten
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 12:59:45 -0700
From: Daniel Peterson <dcp6@email.byu.edu>
Subject: A Question
To: Adam Scott <aksrocks@yahoo.com>
Cc: Skinny-L <SKINNY-L@teleport.com> Adam:
I have been getting really unpleasant messages from a relative of
yours (I presume) by the name of Matt Scott.
Is he your son, or your baby brother? If he is your son,
perhaps I should send you a copy of what he has sent me. It isn't socially
acceptable, you know, to send vulgar messages to perfect strangers.
Daniel Peterson |