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The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ
of Saints of the Last Days (TLC) (Manti group)

"Charles Thompson, Francis Gladden Bishop, G. J. Adams, and others arose, until prophets for a while were at a discount."

George A. Smith - (1858) Journal of Discourses 7:117

Since the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there have been those who have declared that the Lord's prophet and the members of his church have erred and fallen.  The TLC is just another example, even if they seem to be persuasive.  My long experience with these apostate groups is that they are able to put forth apparently power arguments, but only to those who think they know a lot, but are truly in ignorance.  Don't be taken in by claims sounded forth by these folks.  I (Stan Barker) have printed out, read, and noted so many errors and misconceptions in their literature that it makes the head swim.  One day, when I have more time on my hands, I will start putting those items up on SHIELDS.



  • Correspondence between Russell Anderson and various of the members and leaders of the TLC.



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