Richard (Dick)
Baer's Richard (Dick) Baer's "Letter to Family and Friends" outlining his reasons for leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See link to John Tvedtnes' response to Mr. Baer's "reasons" at left. August 5, 1979
I was only able to read small portions of the book before my friend came home from a meeting. When he returned home I asked him why he had an anti-Mormon book in his home (incidentally, this was the very first piece of anti-Mormon literature I had ever seen). He stated that a friend of his had sent the book to him for his comments on the accuracy of the material regarding Howard Hughes, and indicated that most of the material was accurate. Following my visit with my friend (who I will leave nameless to prevent any embarrassment to him), I felt compelled to obtain a copy of the book to finish reading it. In June of 1978, without thinking of what I was doing, I went into the Berean Book Store (a Christian Bible book store) in Bakersfield, California to see if they might have a copy of the book or if they might know how to get a copy. Much to my surprise, I found that Jerald and Sandra Tanner are very prolific writers of books regarding the authenticity of the Mormon Church. The store did not have a copy of Mormon Spies, Hughes & the CIA, but they did have a copy of the Tanners' Mormonism - Shadow or Reality? After looking through the table of contents, I purchased a copy. During the next five or six weeks I read the book from cover to cover (which was no small task). I found that the information and charges in the book were devastating to the Mormon Church (if the information and charges were true). I felt anger and frustration with the information and charges, and felt that there must be an answer to the charges. I wanted to find the answers and set the Tanners straight. I wrote to Truman Madsen at Brigham Young University, told him - 2 - what I had read, and asked him if there were answers to the charges. I must point out that the nature of the charges DEMANDED an answer. If the charges were true, then the Mormon Church could not possibly be the only true church on the earth. In fact, if the charges were true, then the Mormon Church would not only have to be false, but it would have to have been founded by Satanic forces. I thought, is it possible that I and other Mormons have been deceived all of these years? I realized that the only literature I had ever read on the Church was what I was taught in church, and at BYU, and that all I had ever read was that which the Church had allowed to be printed. About this time I drove to Utah to take my son, Travis, to the language training school prior to his departure to the Ecuador - Quito mission. While in Utah I obtained a copy of Jerald And Sandra Tanner's Distorted View Of Mormonism: A Response To Mormonism - Shadow Or Reality? This 63-page booklet was written anonymously "By a Latter-day Saint Historian." I also obtained a copy of Answering Dr. Clandestine: A Response to the Anonymous LDS Historian, by Jerald & Sandra Tanner. Upon returning home I read the new books I obtained in Utah. I also received a letter from Truman Madsen after I returned home. He referred me to Assistant Church historian Dean Jesse, in Salt Lake City. I wrote to Dean Jesse, outlining what I had been reading, and asked for direction in study materials refuting the Tanners' charges. My objective at this point was to become very knowledgeable regarding answers to the Tanners' charges. I didn't receive an answer for sometime, so I finally called him. He indicated that he had just written a letter to me outlining materials to study. We had a long discussion on the phone about the Tanners' and other anti-Mormon writers. A few days later, I received the letter that he had written. I was disappointed in the small number of articles and books that he had referred me to; nevertheless, I immediately began to acquire all of the books and articles that he had referred me to. I went to the LDS Institute in Bakersfield and found most of the materials. Under Dean Jesse's direction, I read the following:
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After I had read the above books and articles that Dean Jesse had listed or alluded to, I began to read articles that I found listed in the bibliography of The Story of the Latter-day Saints, Jerald And Sandra Tanner's Distorted View Of Mormonism: A Response To Mormonism - Shadow or Reality? and the BYU Studies articles. I read a total of over 100 articles in BYU Studies (written between 1960 and the present). I read numerous articles that were published in Dialogue A Journal of Mormon Thought. All of the above material dealt with the subject matter of the charges, but the charges were not answered by them. There were attempts to answer the charges, but there were no real answers. I was especially disappointed with the response by the "Latter-day Saint Historian." This source admits that several of the charges that the Tanners make are true. In fact, in all of the above literature I found more information that confirmed the Tanners' charges than refuted them. The most surprising thing is that the confirmation was coming from Church publications and Church scholars. At this point I began to wonder if I would find any answers to the charges I continued to fast and pray. I believe that about this point in time my search took me in a new direction. Now I wanted to find the truth. The problem was, who could I believe? - 4- Having read everything that Dean Jesse had directed me to, I began to find other books and articles that he had not mentioned. I found and read the following books and articles:
After reading the above books and articles I started to be depressed. Instead of getting answers, I was getting more confirmation of the charges. I wondered, am I the only Mormon who has learned about the Tanners charges? I called the Tanners, and talked with Sandra Tanner, (in fact, I talked with Sandra Tanner on a number of occasions). I learned that there were thousands of persons like myself that were investigating the charges that they and others had made about the authenticity of the Mormon Church. I was told that there was a group in Southern California by the name of Ex-Mormons for Jesus. I called one of the leaders of this group (Cindy Bauer - formerly a seminary teacher for the Church) and spoke at length with her. I also went down and met with her personally. She was a very active member of the Church at one time. Now she and her husband are on a mission to the Mormons in Hawaii. She gave me a number of back issues of the Ex-Mormons for Jesus Newsletter, and a number of other materials pertaining to the Church's authenticity. Throughout the time I was reading and searching, I prayed that I would find answers to refute the charges that the Tanners and others had made. At the same time I also prayed that I might know the truth regarding the charges against the Church. - 5 - Finally, I started reading the Bible. I obtained a copy of The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, and read the scriptures along with it. I read the entire New Testament, and a number of books of the Old Testament. Suddenly, the bible came alive to me, I started to get answers to questions. I was really being directed by the Word of God; He was directing me through it. At this time I obtained a copy of Joseph Smith begins His Work, Volumes 1 and 2. Volume 1 is an exact copy of the 1830 edition of The Book of Mormon; Volume 2 contains an exact copy of the 1833 edition of The Book of Commandments, the 1835 edition of the Doctrine & Covenants, The Lectures on Faith, and the Fourteen (yes, 14) Articles of Faith. I found that there were thousands of changes between the original books and the present editions, many of them drastic. Why? I obtained a set of the History of the Church, and confirmed that there had been numerous changes. Again, I ask why were there so many changes in the books? Why are they denied and concealed? Well, without going into great detail, after over a year of very intensive study, fasting and prayer, and talking with numerous persons who I respect, I HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Of LATTER-DAY SAINTS WAS FOUNDED BY A FALSE PROPHET WHO FOUNDED THE CHURCH BY LYING AND DECEIVING THE PEOPLE. I believe that I have followed the advice given by the apostle Paul to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 5:21): "Prove all things; Hold fast that which is good." I have proved to myself that without a doubt the Mormon Church is FALSE. I John 4:1 says, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." I believe Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and all of the successive prophets of the Church are FALSE PROPHETS. I believe some of them knew they were not true prophets, and others have not known. Some of you will say, "Well, look how much good there is in the Church." Proverbs 14:12 says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." - 6 - I am often reminded of the example given in Ezekiel 33:6, wherein the Lord states, "But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them; he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand." The 7th verse goes on to say, "So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me." Following the word of the Lord to Ezekiel, I MUST warn all of my family and friends that THE DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS ARE FALSE DOCTRINES THAT WILL LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THOSE THAT FOLLOW AFTER THEM. I would plead for all of you to obtain some of the books and materials I have listed above, and to follow Paul's advice and "Prove all things." Oh, how I wish that the Church were true and that its doctrines were true. I have sought out the very best minds of the Church to prove that the Tanners and others are wrong, but to no avail. Dean Jesse sums it up very nicely when he says, "there are no answers." I want you all to know that I am very open-minded about my findings. If someone can prove me wrong in my findings, I will be delighted. Job 6:24 says, "Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand wherein I have erred." If I have erred, I don't know where. If someone could show me, I would be the happiest man on earth; however, the evidence is overwhelmingly against the Church. I would like to bear my testimony that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that he was born of the Virgin Mary (not as a sexual intercourse between God and Mary, as the Church teaches) by the power of the Holy Ghost, and that He died so that all who repent and follow Him will have eternal life. I have now received Christ into my life, and am trying very hard to follow his teachings. Christ is the most important person in my life now, not the Church. The Church cannot do anything for the salvation of the individual, only Christ can. I want you all to know that I love you all and pray for you always. I would be happy to discuss this with any of you at any time, and would also help you obtain books and materials if you need help God bless all of you, I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
September 11, 1979 Some persons who have read the letter have asked me about my academic and Church background. In answer to those questions, I offer the following: I was born in San Francisco, California on May 28, 1934, and I was raised in Oakland and Berkeley. In 1951, I joined the Air Force and served for 31 months, receiving an honorable discharge in January 1954. I attended West Contra Costa Jr. College for two semesters. In addition, I attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah between 1955 and 1960, graduating with a B.S. Degree in June 1960. I majored in Sociology and minored in Psychology; I also completed 30 hours of credits towards my master's degree in Sociology. Upon graduating, I accepted a position as a research associate with the International Survey of Corrections in Berkeley, California. Having completed the study, I was appointed as a Deputy Probation Officer in Contra Costa County, California, where I worked for one year. Between 1962 and 1970 I worked as a pharmaceutical sales representative for Riker Laboratories, Schering Corporation and E.R. Squibb & Sons. From 1970 to 1973 I worked as a professional financial planner for Capital Analysts, Inc. in San Francisco. Since 1973 I have been pioneering the creation of a new profession in the financial services industry, and now work as a Financial Ergonomist. Regarding my background in the Mormon Church I was born into a Mormon family. My parents were lifetime members of the Church. My mother passed away in October, 1977, and my father has since remarried. He and his wife are presently on a fulltime mission in Guatemala. My grandparents on both sides were members, as well as my great grandparents on my father's side and great grandmother on my mother's side. With very brief exceptions, I have always been an active member of the LDS Church. - 2 - My oldest son just completed a mission to Argentina and is now attending Brigham Young University; my number-two son is presently serving a mission in Ecuador; and my youngest son is 17, and is preparing to go on a mission. Most of my family and relatives on both sides are active members of the LDS Church. My first wife and I were married in the Los Angeles temple I have been to the temple (Manti, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles and Oakland) many times. I have read and studied all of the standard works of the Church (Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price). I have read many, many books written by Church leaders (probably over 100). I have read Church publications for at least 20 years. I believe I can safely say that I have knowledge of the doctrines of the Mormon Church that is well above average. The above information, although brief, should cover my academic and Church background. Now, regarding responses to my letter dated August 5, 1979: A statement that I am hearing from many of my Mormon friends (and one family member) is: "If the Mormon Church isn't true, then no church is true." That statement is partially true I believe that there is no church organization (such as the Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, etc.) that is the one and only true church on earth. The only true church is composed of the body of believers in Christ. Christ said "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). Mormons have been deceived into believing the lie that there is only one true church on earth. They have also been deceived into believing that all other churches are false, that all other churches teach false doctrines and that all other professors of religion are corrupt. This teaching is a lie. The Mormon Church teaches that when Christ was on the earth He personally organized His church, and that the organization was perfect (with the inference that everyone had to belong). As I was reading in the 9th chapter of Mark, verses 38-40. I came across an interesting situation in the life of Christ. Let me quote the passage "And John - 3 - answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in My name, that can lightly speak evil of Me. For he that is not against us is on our part." I believe the above scriptures show that even Christ Himself showed that you didn't have to belong to his followers to be for Him. In other words, it was not a person's relationship with a group of people that was important, it was his relationship with Christ. For a Mormon to say that "if the Mormon Church isn't true, then no church is true" is the end result of the lie that Joseph Smith began when he said in the so-called "First Vision" account that he was told that "...I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof." Mormons who have been enticed into believing this fantastic lie feel they are left with utterly nothing if they find out that the Mormon Church is false. Christ Himself said in Matthew 16:18: "And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The rock that Christ was to build His church upon was the saving faith and belief in the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that He was and is the Son of God, and God the Son. The church is that body of people who have faith and believe this. Another statement I am hearing is, "Show me something that is better." Again, Mormons have been brainwashed into believing that all other churches are false and that the Mormon Church is the only true Church on earth. The bottom-line answer is that Jesus Christ himself is better. As it stands now, the Mormons worship a false God and a false Christ. The Mormon Church is full of false doctrines. The scriptures are full of - 4 - passages regarding false Gods, false Christs and false doctrines. If Mormons would only understand that by leaving Mormonism and embracing the true God and Christ they will gain Eternal Life and leave behind a church that will lead them to destruction (ETERNAL DESTRUCTION). I plead for all of my Mormon family and friends -- read some of the books and articles I have outlined in my August 5, 1979 letter. Especially read Mormonism-Shadow or Reality? by the Tanners. Read Fawn Brodie's book No Man Knows My History. Read David Whitmer's An Address to All Believers in Christ. Read Lucy Mack Smith's Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations. Obtain a copy of Joseph Smith Begins His Work, Volumes 1 and 2. Check the books for the thousands of changes that have been made in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T TAKE THE OSTRICH APPROACH AND STICK YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND) AND SAY, "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT OR SEE IT OR EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. THIS LETTER IS YOUR WARNING. IF YOU DON'T HEED THE WARNING YOU MAY BE HEADED FOR ETERNAL DESTRUCTION. If you do learn the truth (which is my constant prayer), don't feel like you are alone. There are hundreds (and perhaps thousands) of persons that are discovering the truth. There is a very rapidly growing group called Ex-Mormons for Jesus, branches of which are being organized all over the world. Ex-Mormons for Jesus is a group of ex-Mormons that have found out the truth and are now true Christians. The members attend many different Christian churches, but have one thing in common -- they are ex-Mormons. Again, I love you all and pray for you to learn the truth. I am writing this out of my love for each of you -- not because of any ill feelings towards any of you. I don't consider any Mormon to be my enemy. Please don't feel that I am your enemy. "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16. October 10, 1961
On August 5, 1979 I wrote a letter explaining why I had found it necessary to have my name removed from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My hope was that each of you would obtain some of the books and articles and determine for yourselves if I was right or that I had in fact been led astray in my research, The response of most of my family and friends is to take the ostrich approach. You have all stuck your heads in the sand and declared by your inaction that you do not want to hear about it, read about it or even think about it. This approach will lead you to your eternal destruction. Because you will not make the effort to obtain any of the books or articles that I outlined in my August 5, 1979 letter (or won't read them even after I have traveled a thousand miles and given them to you) I am going to hopefully save you some time by reducing all of the material to what I call the "bottom line issue" in the hope that you will realize why you are being led to your eternal destruction. If Joseph Smith was a true prophet then everyone should follow his teachings. If, however, Joseph Smith was a false prophet, then he should be exposed as such. There are at least twenty three references in the Bible dealing with false prophets. Some of these references are specific tests to determine if the prophet is a true prophet of God. I would like to apply just two of these tests to Joseph Smith, Deuteronomy 13:1-5 is the first scripture in the Bible dealing with false prophets. The issue in these verses is whether the prophet leads the people after another god. The god of Mormonism was born as a baby on another world. He grew up, got baptized by one holding the proper authority, got married in the temple for time and all eternity (probably to more than one wife), had many children, was obedient to all of the laws and ordinances of the gospel and eventually died. Because of his obedience and faithfulness and by the Law of Eternal Progression he was Exalted and, became god. If you know anything about Mormon doctrine you know that this is the god of Mormonism. His name is Eloheim (or Ahman) and he lives on a planet (or star) nearest the planet Kolob. He is a glorified, resurrected, exalted man having a tangible body of flesh and bones (see Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie, page 250). I declare to you that the god of Mormonism is another god as spoken of in Deuteronomy 13:2. The god of Mormonism is not the God that I worship. My God is not a glorified, resurrected, exalted man having a tangible body of flesh and bones. My God is not a created being. My God is Spirit not man (John 4:24). My God is a Reasoning, Purposeful, Spirit-Being Who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Tri-Personal (yet Singular), Self-Existent, Immutable (Unchangeable), Eternal, Holy, Love, Just, and Merciful. Now, we can't both be right. How can we determine which one of us is worshipping the wrong god? The key test is in the very next scripture dealing with false prophets in the Bible, namely Deuteronomy 18:20-22. The issue (or test) in these verses is whether the prophet speaks a thing in the name of the Lord that does not come to pass. If we can find one thing that Joseph Smith has said in the name of the Lord that has not come to pass and can not come to pass, then we should he able to agree that he is a false prophet. The reason that I am writing - 2 - this letter is to list what I believe are the false prophecies of Joseph Smith. I will try to be as brief as possible with each prophetic utterance that I believe to be false. I pray that each of you will study the prophetic utterances and determine for yourselves whether it is a false prophecy or not. Certain basic questions should be asked about each prophecy or revelation. First, it must be determined that the prophetic utterance really came from Joseph Smith. Secondly it must be determined that the prophecy purportedly came from God. Third, you have to determine if the prophecy came to pass exactly as outlined. Lastly, you have to determine if the prophecy can come to pass. On this last point you should ask yourself if you are being honest with yourself or are you performing mental gymnastics in order to save Joseph Smith from being a false prophet? I will list the prophecies or revelations according to the date that Joseph Smith is reported to have received them. In some cases the order will be approximate. Some of the references might be slightly different because of changes that have been made in the 1981 edition of-the "triple combination" (Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants and Pearl of Great Price). FALSE PROPHECIES 1. September 21, 1823. Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith 2:40-41. Joseph Smith claimed that the angel Moroni told him that the prophecies in Isaiah, Chapter 11 were about to be fulfilled and that the prophecies in Joel, Chapter 2:28-32 were soon to be fulfilled. 158 years have now gone by since this was received and the prophecies that Joseph Smith referred to have not been fulfilled. We know that these prophecies will be fulfilled in the future, but not in Joseph Smith's (or Moroni's) timing. 2. July, 1828. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 3, verse 3. "Remember, remember that it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men;". This particular verse is going to come back time after time and haunt Joseph Smith. If this verse is accepted as scripture by Mormons (which it is) then all we have to show is that if whatever is promised or prophesied by Joseph Smith is frustrated then it is the work of men. Verses 16-20 of Section 3 prophesy that the Lamanites will be converted. To Mormons the Lamanites are the Indians. Well, the Mormon church has been trying to convert the Indians for 153 years and they have not done it yet. In fact a large majority of the Indians that they have converted are totally inactive. This is especially true in Latin America and South America. The Indians go in the front door and very soon go out the back door. There is another interesting scripture in the Book of Mormon regarding the Indians. 2 Nephi 30:6 includes a prophecy that the Lamanites (Indians) would turn "white and delightsome" in a few generations after accepting the gospel. It is interesting to note that the handwritten - 3 - manuscript of 2 Nephi 30:6 has "white and delightsome". In 1840 Joseph Smith directed that it be changed to "pure and delightsome". Brigham Young directed that it be changed back to "white and delightsome". It has remained "white and delightsome" until 1981 where it has now appeared as "pure and delightsome" with no footnote indicating why it was changed. Is it possible that now that sufficient time has gone by to see that the Lamanites are not going to turn "white and delightsome" after several generations of being members of the Mormon church, that it is prudent to change the verse to "pure and delightsome" which is easier to defend? Honest editing would at least place a footnote by the change to explain why the change had been made. 3. Winter 1829-1830. An Address To All Believers In Christ, David Whitmer, pages 30-31. Joseph Smith sent Hiram Page and Oliver Cowdery to Toronto, Canada to sell the copyright of the Book of Mormon in response to a revelation that he claimed to have received from God. The mission and the revelation was a total failure as recorded by David Whitmer. When Joseph Smith was asked why the revelation had failed he answered that he did not know how it was. David Whitmer records that Joseph Smith "...enquired of the Lord about it, and behold the following revelation came through the stone: 'Some revelations are of God: some revelations are of man: and some revelations are of the devil. So we see that the revelation to go to Toronto and sell the copy-right was not of God, but was of the devil or the heart of man." Mormon Historian and Apostle B.H. Roberts records the following regarding this Toronto revelation. "...May this Toronto incident and the Prophet's explanation be accepted and faith still be maintained in him as an inspired man, a Prophet of God? I answer unhesitatingly in the affirmative. The revelation respecting the Toronto journey was not of God, surely; else it would not have failed; but the Prophet, overwrought in his deep anxiety for the progress of the work, saw reflected in the 'Seer Stone' his own thought, or that suggested to him by his brother Hyrum, rather than the thought of God...in this instance of the Toronto journey, Joseph was evidently not directed by the inspiration of the Lord." (A Comprehensive History of the Church, vol. 1, p. 165) There is no way that a reasonable, rational person can escape the reality that this was a false prophecy. Remember, Deuteronomy 18:22 records that all you need is one false prophecy to have a false prophet, 3. September, 1830. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 29:10-11. In these two verses Joseph Smith prophesied that the "...hour is nigh..." for Christ to return. 151 years have gone by since Joseph Smith stated that the hour was nigh. Only by performing mental gymnastics can this prophecy be accepted as one that can be fulfilled. 4. March, 1831. (Doctrine & Covenants, Section 49:9-10.
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Mormon Apostle Bruce R. McConkie on pages 529 and 530 of his book Mormon Doctrine makes it quite clear that the "everlasting covenant" is the gospel that has been given thru the Mormon Church. The gospel according to Mormonism is composed of all of the laws and ordinances and commandments that God has given to man. According to verse 10 above "...the nations of the earth shall bow to it" (The Mormon Gospel). 150 years have now gone by since this revelation was received and no nation has bowed down to the Mormon gospel. And no nation has been laid low of power for not bowing down to it. 5. July, 1831. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 57:1-3. Independence, Missouri is named as the center place of Zion. Independence is appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints. Independence is indicated to be the land of promise. This is a very important revelation because it names the location of the city of Zion. This revelation is false by virtue of the fact that Section 3, verse 3 has declared that any work that is frustrated is not from God but from men. There is no question that the gathering of the saints in Zion (Independence) has been frustrated. They tried to gather in Independence and were physically driven out. 6. August 13, 1831. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 62:1, 6 & 9. Joseph Smith declares in this revelation that God told him that "...the faithful among you should be preserved and rejoice together in the land of Missouri, I, the Lord, promise the faithful and cannot lie..." Verse 9 says "Behold, the kingdom is yours. And behold, and lo, I am with the faithful always. Even so. Amen." The facts are these:
All you have to do is read some of the history regarding the Mormons between 1831 and 1847 and you will see that this revelation and prophecy was, and is a total failure. The least that you can say is that the prophecy was frustrated therefore indicating that it was not from God (Section 3, verse 3). 7. September 11, 1831, Scrap book of Mormon Literature, by Rich, Vol. 2, p. 259. "For behold, I say unto you that Zion shall flourish, and the glory of the Lord shall be upon her, and she shall be an ensign unto the people, and there shall come unto her out of every nation under heaven." - 5 - The above revelation (or prophecy) is reported by Rich to be a revelation from God that was given to Joseph Smith. Being as it is reported by a Mormon (Rich) we can assume that it is an undisputed statement of Joseph Smith. If Zion (Independence, Missouri) has flourished, the glory of the Lord is upon it, it is an ensign unto the people and people from every nation under heaven have come to Independence it most certainly is not because of anything that the Mormons have done. As far as Mormons are concerned Independence has not flourished, the glory of the Lord is not upon it, it is not an ensign to the people and people from every nation have not gone to Independence. The least that can be said about this revelation (prophecy) is that it has been frustrated, therefore, it cannot be from God (Section 3, verse 3). Of course the Mormons would say that this prophecy will still come to pass. Only by performing mental gymnastics can this prophecy come to pass. Remember, all that has to be shown is that it was frustrated, and it certainly was frustrated. 8. November 1, 1831. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 1:35 & 37.
If God is no respecter of persons according to Joseph Smith then why did he record the following in the Pearl of Great Price, Moses 5:20 & 21?
The book of Moses directly contradicts the Doctrine & Covenants. Joseph Smith further contradicted himself when he had recorded in the Doctrine & Covenants, Section 124:102 the following:
Why not Brigham or Parley or Orson? If this is not enough then let us look at verse 37 in Section 1,
This is stating that all of the prophecies and promises that are in the Doctrine & Covenants are going to be fulfilled. If ever Joseph Smith uttered a false prophecy this is it. I have already listed a - 6 - number of prophecies and promises that have not been fulfilled. I will be listing a considerable number below. I believe that only an unreasonable, irrational, deluded person will not be able to see the simple truth that Joseph Smith has failed the test of a prophet according to Deuteronomy 18:22. In the event that you haven't seen it yet, I will proceed with more. 9. November 3, 1831. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 133:17, 26-30.
150 years have gone by and Christ has not returned. Another prophecy that has been frustrated. 10. December 1, 1831. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 71:6-10.
To begin with the Mormons are disobeying the commandment given in verse 7. I have been asking the Mormons, one and all, to meet with me to talk about the doctrinal heresies of Mormonism. Only a few have made the decision to meet with me. I don't believe any Mormon has claimed that my shame has been made manifest. I don't know of any other person that is involved in the ministry to the Mormons that has been put to shame by any Mormon. Myself, and many other Ex-Mormons are bringing our strong reasons against the doctrines of the Mormon church. Our weapon against the Mormon doctrine is the Word of God as found in the Holy Bible. The weapon that we have chosen (the Bible) is prospering. Just today I mailed out information to 14 persons that want to have their name a removed from - 7 - the records of the Mormon church. There are literally hundreds (and possibly thousands) of persons that are leaving the Mormon church every month, All you have to do is read a little church history (Mormon) to see that the weapons used against the Mormons did prosper. They were driven from one city to the next and finally to Salt Lake City. Certainly the guns that were used to murder Joseph Smith prospered. Only the blind and deluded will try to defend Joseph Smith in this prophecy and others that are listed above and below. 11. September 22 and 23, 1832. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 84:2-5, 31, 114-115
History records that Independence was built, but not by the Mormons. History also records that Joseph Smith dedicated the temple lot, however, it is interesting to note that the dedication ceremony was held on August 3, 1831 more that [sic] one year previous to receiving this revelation. Verse 4 has some real problems in it. It states that the city New Jerusalem shall be built by the gathering of the saints. Whatever was built by the Mormons was built prior to the winter of 1838-1839 because the Mormons were driven out of Independence at that time. The last few words of verse 4 present the greatest problem. It states that the temple - 8 - would be reared (built) in the generation then living. Verse 5 expands on this by stating that "...this generation shall not all pass away until a house shall be built unto the Lord,...". And finally verse 31 repeats the fact that the temple would be built in the generation then living. The fact is that 149 years have gone by and the temple still has not been built. Unless a generation can be considered to be longer that 149 years then this revelation fails. Joseph Fielding Smith (who became the 10th president of the Mormon church) answered the generation question by stating that "It is reasonable to believe that no soul living in 1832, is still living in mortality on the earth" (Answers to Gospel Questions, vol. 4, p. 112). A further problem remains regarding the building of the temple. The lot is no longer owned by the Mormon church. It is now owned by the Church of Jesus Christ, Temple Lot and they plan on building their own temple. Another point of failure. Verses 114 and 115 of Section 84 record that the cities of New York, Albany and Boston were to be destroyed (desolation and utter abolishment) if they rejected the sound of the Mormon gospel. History records that Joseph Smith and Bishop Newell K. Whitney went to these cities in response to verses 114 and 115. There is no record of these cities ever receiving the Mormon gospel during the life of Newell K. Whitney or Joseph Smith. In fact the Mormon church is still very small in those cities. If these verses were truly from God then these cities should have been destroyed by now. I believe this is another evidence of Joseph Smith failing as a prophet of God. Remember, all you need is one false prophecy to have a false prophet. 12. December 25, 1832. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 87:1-8.
- 9 -
Joseph Smith received the above revelation on Christmas day, 1832. History records that the State of South Carolina was already in a state of rebellion at that time. It's not much to prophesy about something that is already happening. Mormons usually refer to the "Civil War" as one of the prophecies that has been fulfilled, however, upon close examination it becomes very clear that it is a failure. I count 20 different elements of this prophecy. All 20 elements would have to come to pass in order for this prophecy to be fulfilled. If all 20 elements of the prophecy were to come to pass it would truly be remarkable. The chance of this happening without God's guiding hand would be 1 in 1,048,576. The statistics are really stacked against Joseph Smith. History records that the Civil War did not start until April 12, 1861, when Southern artillery shelled Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. It ended four years later on April 9, 1865. The Civil War did not result in war being poured out upon all nations (verse 3). It also did not bring about a "...a full end of all nations." It is also interesting to note that the Civil War prophecy was not published during Joseph Smith's lifetime. It was not printed until 1851 (19 years after Joseph Smith received it). I would recommend that anyone wanting to read more about why this prophecy is a false prophecy should obtain a copy of The Changing World of Mormonism, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Moody Press, and read pages 424-430 13. December 27, 1832. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 88:87.
As of October 10, 1981 more than 54,326 days have come and gone and the moon has not been bathed in blood, the sun has not refused to give light and the stars have not become exceedingly angry and cast themselves down. I don't know of any way that this prophecy can be made to come true in Joseph Smith's timing. - 10 - 14. January 4, 1833. History of the Church, vol. 1. p. 315-316.
Almost 149 years hove gone by and the wicked are still on the earth. The lost tribes have not returned from the north country (and they won't, either). Most importantly, everyone that was alive in 1833 is now dead and the things that Joseph Smith prophesied have not come to pass. There is no way that a reasonable, rational person can escape the reality that this is a false prophecy. Why don't you give up on Joseph Smith and the false doctrines that he presented to the Mormon church and invite the real Jesus Christ into your heart to be your personal Lord and Savior! You are placing your eternal salvation at risk when you continue to believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. If the above false prophecies are not enough to convince you then here are some more. 15. February 27, 1833. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 89:18-21.
The above prophecy was part of the revelation on The Word Of Wisdom. The promise is given that if the Mormons will obey the word of Wisdom (no coffee, tea, tobacco etc.) that they would obtain all of the promises in verses 18 thru 21. The facts are that there are many Mormons that obey the word of wisdom to the letter and they have not found - 11 - great treasures of knowledge or hidden treasures. They run and get weary, They walk and sometimes faint. And most certainly the destroying angel does not pass them by. Mormons die just like any other group of people. I think of all of the Mormons in and around Saint George, Utah that are dying of the effects of the radioactive fallout from the nuclear tests in Nevada. Why didn't the destroying angel pass them by? On the top of page 268 of a book titled View of the Hebrews, written by Ethan Smith (no relation to Joseph Smith), you will find the words "...they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint." Of course these words can also be found in Isaiah 40:31. While it is possible that Joseph Smith received the idea from View of the Hebrews, it is more likely that he got it from Isaiah because verse 20 above includes the word and between weary and they. In the King James version of the Bible the word and is italicized, which means that it was not in the original manuscript. It is most interesting to note how many times Joseph Smith presents language that is supposed to have come directly from God and you find that it is an exact quotation from the Bible, including the italicized words. As a side note on View of the Hebrews, Ethan Smith had the book published in 1825 (five years before the Book of Mormon was published). The parallels between View of the Hebrews and The Book of Mormon are so numerous and exact that I believe View of the Hebrews was a major source for structure and content of the Book of Mormon. In fact the parallels are so numerous and exact that it prompted B.H. Roberts (Mormon historian and Apostle) to write a 141 page report on the parallels. The report was titled "Book of Mormon Difficulties". Later he expanded the study into a 291 page manuscript, entitled, "A Book of Mormon Study". If you want to read all about the parallels you can obtain a copy of View of the Hebrews from Modern Microfilm Co., Box 1884, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110. If you want an excellent review of this matter you can obtain a copy of The Human Origins of the Book of Mormon, by Wesley Walters from Modern Microfilm 16. August 2, 1833. Parley P. Pratt Biography, p. 100. Also D & C 97:19.
Zion did fail and Zion was moved out of her place. Zion is Independence, Missouri (see # 5 above). The Mormons were driven out of Independence in the winter of 1838-1839. Another false prophecy, 17. October 12, 1833. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 100:13 & 15.
- 12 - 148 years have gone by since this revelation was received. Can this be considered "a little season"? I think that the time has run out on this revelation, unless you want to do some gymnastics with the English language. If you were to take this revelation all by itself it wouldn't look bad, however, when you combine this revelation with all of the others that have not come to pass then the picture becomes quite clear. Joseph Smith was a false prophet. What does it mean if Joseph Smith is a false prophet? What will happen to the people who follow a false prophet's teachings? Isaiah 9:16 says the following: "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Matthew 7:15-20 says to beware of false prophets. It goes on to say that the fate of a false prophet is that he will be "...hewn down, and cast into the fire." I believe that the fate of those who follow a false prophet is that they will go right into the fire with the false prophet. Oh, how I want to save my family and friends that are following the teachings of Joseph Smith from that fate. Please don't discard what I am presenting to you. Check it out for yourself. Again, I plead with you not to take the ostrich approach and ignore it. If you don't feel convinced about the false prophecies above, then let us go on. 18. December 10, 1833. History of the Church, vol. 1, p. 455.
The facts are these:
19. December 16, 1833. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 101:17-20.
- 13 -
This is almost exactly like number 16 above. The facts are that the Mormons were driven out of Zion. They were moved out of her place. This is enough to make this a false prophecy. I believe what was happening is that the people were discouraged because of the persecutions that were being heaped upon them. These kind[sic] of statements by Joseph Smith were designed to give the people hope. They truly were suffering because of following the Mormon doctrines. Please don't make the mistake that because they were being persecuted that it is proof that the Mormon church is the true church. I know that this is what the Mormon leaders say, that the persecution is evidence that the church is true. If that argument is true then the Jehovah's Witnesses must be the true church because they are being persecuted. You can also include the Unification church (Moonies) and Christian Science and many more churches. The persecution that the Mormons have experienced is nothing compared to the persecution that Christians in all ages have suffered. Obtain a copy of Fox's Book of Martyrs, edited by William Byron Forbush and published by Zondervan Publishing House. You can get it at any Christian book store. 20. February 24, 1834. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 103:5-7.
Mormons will say that this prophecy is a conditional prophecy. That the people were to hearken unto the counsel of God and observe all the words that God shall speak to them. With that condition the Mormons will never prevail (3. to be or prove superior in strength, power, or influence...Random House Dictionary). Mormons will never achieve anything until they are righteous and that will NEVER happen. Isaiah made it very clear why Mormons will never obtain the blessings that Joseph Smith promised them when he presented one of God's eternal truths as it relates to man. "But we are all as an unclean thing, and - 14 - all our righteousnesses are as filthy nags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." (Isaiah 64:6) This prophecy can never be fulfilled because the Mormons will never become righteous. The only way that anyone can become righteous is to receive the real Jesus Christ into his/her heart and repent of the abominations of following a false god and a false christ. If the above is not reason enough to show why Section 103 is not from God then consider the following from Section 103:1, 13, 15, 17, 19, 24 & 25.
All of the above pertains to Zion's Camp. Zion's Camp was a group of Mormons that was organized to march to Missouri and rescue the Mormons there. History records that Zion's Camp was a dismal failure. The Introduction to volume 3 of the History of the Church, page XXXIX (and following) describes the failure of Zion's Camp. Again, let me state that the Mormons will never prevail over anything because they will never be able to live up to the standards set by their doctrines (complete obedience to all of the laws and ordinances of the gospel). Rather, I should say that many of these prophecies will never come to pass because they (the Mormons) will never be able to become righteous (or perfect). 21. April 23, 1834. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 104:1.
History records that the United Order failed. (The United Order was - 15 - a communal type of order where everyone worked according to his ability, gave everything that he produced or earned to the Bishop's Storehouse and received from the Bishop's Storehouse according to his needs.) If I were to choose a single prophecy of Joseph Smith as being false this would be it. There is no way to escape the simple truth that it has failed. The least that you can say about this prophecy is that it was frustrated, therefore, it was not from God, but the work of men (Section 3, verse 3). 22. June 22, 1834. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 105:13-15,
History records that the enemies of the Mormons were not laid waste in spite of the fact that the destroyer had been sent forth. There is ample evidence to suggest that the destroyer was in fact a man named Porter Rockwell. He was sent out to destroy those who were frustrating the Mormons. The facts are that this is another prophecy that was frustrated because the Mormons continued to be persecuted. In fact it was just 4-1/2 years later that the Mormons were driven out of Zion (Independence, Missouri). 23. August 16, 1834. History of the Church, vol. 2, page 145.
By September 11, 1836 the Mormons should have all been gathered in Independence, Missouri (Zion). If all of the other prophecies regarding Zion were to come true (which they didn't), they should have flourished (which they didn't), overcome their enemies (which they didn't), rejoiced together (which they didn't), lived the United Order (which failed), built a temple (which was never built), etc. etc. etc. Oh my dear family and friends, can't you see by now that the Mormon god cannot shower the promised blessings on you? It is impossible for you to become exalted and become a god. It is impossible for you to obey ALL of the laws and ordinances of the gospel according to Mormonism. Romans 3, verse 23 says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;". Sin means missing the mark. Every one of you are going to miss the mark unless you turn to the real Jesus Christ. - 16 - 24. November 25, 1834. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 106:4.
147 years have gone by since this prophecy was given and the Lord has not returned. Does nigh really mean more than 147 years? 25. February 14, 1835. History of the Church, vol. 2, page 182. [In addition to Mr. Tvedtnes response to this issue, see also, The Alleged 56-Year Second Coming Prophecy by Joseph Smith: An Analysis by Malin Jacobs.]
Jesus Christ should have returned by February 14, 1891. He didn't. Another false prophecy. It is interesting to note that Matthew 24:36 says that the exact date of Christ's coming is unknown. "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only." See also Mark 13:34 and Acts 1:7. 26. February 14, 1835. As reported in Prophecies of Joseph Smith and their Fulfillment, Nephi Morris, Deseret Book Co., 1926, page 261.
This was a prophecy given to Orson Hyde, one of the twelve apostles that Joseph Smith had chosen. History records that Orson Hyde did go to Jerusalem. However, for those Mormons that feel that he did a great work and greatly facilitated the gathering of the Jews they are sadly mistaken. Orson Hyde dedicated Jerusalem on October 24, 1841. It took 107 years for the Jews to return. I believe I can safely say that when the Jews returned in 1948 there was not one single Jew who had ever heard of Orson Hyde. Only by performing mental gymnastics can you accept this as a true prophecy. 27. January 21, 1836. Church History, vol. 2, pages 380-381.
- 17 - kingdom of God, and the glory
thereof, whether in the body or out I cannot tell.... History does not record any of the above things ever happening. That is not to say they didn't happen (which I doubt very seriously that they did). I believe that it is safe to say that if they didn't happen as recorded then they can never happen in the future. The part regarding Elder M'Lellin is suspect because he was excommunicated on May 11, 1838. He became one of the bitterest enemies the Mormon church ever had (why wasn't he destroyed as promised by the god of Mormonism?). Joseph Smith recorded that he saw the Twelve in the celestial kingdom of God. How is that possible when 5 of the apostles were either excommunicated or apostatized, never to return to the church? According to Mormon doctrine this would not be possible (for apostates and excommunicated individuals to reach the celestial kingdom),
- 18 -
It should be noted that Thomas B. Marsh was rebaptized in 1857 and died in Utah a member of the Church, though never again a member of the Twelve. It is interesting to note that the first part of the above vision was accepted as scripture on April 3, 1976. The last part of the vision (listed above) was not accepted as scripture. Is it possible that the reason that the Mormon leaders did not present the entire vision to be accepted as scripture is that it was clear that the last part could not happen? If this is so then it would make the Mormon leaders wilfull deceivers. It is also interesting to note that the vision has been altered by Mormon leaders. The vision was recorded in Joseph Smith's diary under the date of January 21, 1836. In Joseph Smith's diary the beginning of the revelation read as follows:
Now, what is wrong with the above part? The problem is that in Mormon theology Adam is Michael. Thus if Adam is Michael then Joseph Smith could not have seen "both" of them in the celestial kingdom. Because of this problem the Mormon leaders deleted the words "and Michael" from the revelation. I wish all of you had the time to check into the thousands and thousands of changes that have been made in Mormon scriptures including the most recent one regarding the Indians (number 2 above). I know that you don't have that time so that is why I am writing this letter to you. I just pray that you have not hardened your heart to the truth so totally that you have brought yourself under strong delusion from God Himself. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 says the following:
I believe with all my heart that Mormons have been deceived. They (you) have been deceived by a man. A man who was a tool of Satan. The apostle Paul gave some great advice in Colossians 2:18. He said:
- 19 -
Let me apply the above verse to Mormonism. Let no man (Joseph Smith) beguile (cheat) you of your reward (eternal Life) in a voluntary humility (conceit) and worshipping of angels (Moroni, Nephi etc ), intruding into those things which he (Joseph Smith) hath not seen (first vision, angel Moroni, celestial kingdom - number 21 above etc. etc.), vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. Regarding being puffed up consider the following boast of Joseph Smith.
Does this sound like a prophet of God? I believe Joseph Smith sealed his own fate by his boast. Consider the following from Doctrine Covenants, Section 3, verse 4.
Joseph Smith made the above boast on May 26, 1844. On June 27, 1844 he was dead. Contrary to what you have been taught he did not die as a martyr. He died in a blazing gun battle. Joseph Smith had a six barreled revolver which he fired at the mob coming up the stairs. Three of the barrels fired. Two men were killed and one man was wounded (and probably died later according to the history) by Joseph Smith. A martyr does not go out in a blazing gun battle. (A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, B.H. Roberts, pages 284-285). If this is not enough evidence that Joseph Smith is a false prophet then let us go on to more of the prophetic utterances that have not come to pass. 28. April 3, 1836. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 110:16.
145 years have gone by and Jesus has not returned. There was a dreadful day about 2-1/2 years later when the Mormons were driven out of Zion (Independence). - 20 - 29. August 6, Doctrine & Covenants, Section 111:1-11. This was a revelation given through Joseph Smith at Salem, Massachusetts.
History records that Joseph Smith and other leaders of the Mormon church found no treasures in Salem, Massachusetts. The Mormons have never taken power over Salem. The silver and gold were not given to them by their god. If ever there was a prophecy that did not come to pass this is it. Time has run out on Joseph again. Actually the time ran out some time in September, 1836 when Joseph Smith returned to Kirtland, Ohio. He returned with no treasure. 30. April, 1837. Latter-day Saint Messenger and Advocate, page 488.
The Mormons were driven out of Kirtland, Ohio. Nobody became rich by helping to secure the contracts for land. In fact, most of the men that helped Joseph Smith in Kirtland lost most of their money in the Kirtland anti-banking Society. Joseph Smith himself went bankrupt. Everything about this prophetic utterance failed. 31. July 23, 1837. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 112:3-12. This is a prophecy about Thomas B. Marsh, one of the original twelve apostles. In fact he was the president of the twelve apostles when this prophecy was given about him. - 21 -
History records that Thomas B. Marsh was excommunicated on March 17, 1839 (Church History, vol. 3:204). Even though he was rebaptized in 1857 and died a member of the church in Utah he never did any of the things outlined in the above revelation (prophecy). He never did a great work in the church. In fact he became for many years a bitter enemy of the church. The facts are that the Mormon god did not know his heart (verse 11), otherwise he would have known that he was going to be excommunicated and fight against the church. Only by performing mental gymnastics can this prophecy be thought of as having come to pass There are additional problems with section 112. Read thru the entire section and see how many additional problems you can come up with. 32. 1837. Oliver B. Huntington Journal, Book 14, Original at Huntington Library, San Marino , California. Also found in The Young Woman's Journal, published by the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations of Zion, 1892, vol. 3, pp. 263-264.
- 22 -
I really don't think that I need to say anything about this prophecy. The evidence is rather conclusive that Joseph Smith said it. In fact Brigham Young confirmed it on July 24, 1870 when he said: "Who can tell us of the inhabitants of this little planet that shines of an evening, called the moon?...when you inquire about the inhabitants of that sphere you find that the most learned are as ignorant in regard to them as the ignorant of their fellows. So it is in regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 13, p 271). Do you really want to risk your eternal salvation on men who make statements like these? I don't, I would rather place my life in the hands of Jesus Christ who said "...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me." (John 14:6). 33. April 17, 1838. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 114:1.
History records that on October 27, 1838, Apostle David W. Patten was buried at far West, Missouri (Church Chronology, page 15). If you are going to say that he was not worthy then let me tell you what Joseph Smith said about him. "Brother David Patten was a very worthy man, beloved by all good men who knew him. He was one of the Twelve Apostles, and died as he had lived, a man of God, and strong in the faith of a glorious resurrection, in a world where mobs will have no power or place. One of his last expressions to his wife was --- 'whatever you do else, O! do not deny the faith"' (History of the Church, vol. 3, p. 171). There is no way that you can escape the fact that this is a false prophecy. 34. April 26, 1838. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 115:1, 7-9, 12.
- 23 -
143 years have gone by and the temple is still not built. The cornerstone of the temple was laid on July 4, 1838 amid elaborate ceremonies (A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, B.H. Roberts, page 440). For 143 years the building of this temple has been frustrated, therefore it cannot be from God but from the mind of man (Section 3:3). 35. July 8, 1838. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 117:12-15.
The facts are that it is very rare that you can find anyone in the Mormon church who has even heard of Oliver Granger. His name is supposed to be had in sacred remembrance from generation to generation, forever and ever. What happened? It wasn't because he was unfaithful! History records that he was faithful. Another clear cut false prophecy in my book. 36. March 20, 1839. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 121:5-15, 33.
- 24 -
The preface to Section 121 in the 1981 edition of the Doctrine & Covenants indicates that the above remarks are "Prayer and prophecies written by Joseph Smith the Prophet, while he was a prisoner in the jail at Liberty, Missouri, dated March 20, 1839." Joseph Smith's god promised that he (and the Mormons) would triumph over all their foes. They didn't and he didn't. They had just been driven out of Zion (Independence) by their enemies. Joseph Smith was to die by the hands of his enemies in a little over 5 years. The Mormons were to be driven all the way to Utah in just 8 years. Is this what you call triumphing over your enemies? When were the times and seasons changed (verse 12)? When were the minds of their enemies blinded (verse 12)? When were the enemies of the Mormons swept from under heaven (verse 15)? They, and their posterity? Not one of them left to stand against the wall? Ask yourself, did these things really happen? I have done a lot of studying in the past three years and I can't find any evidence of anything happening except the enemies of the Mormons overcoming them and driving them out. In spite of the fact that the Mormon god kept promising them that they would conquer their enemies. It just didn't happen. Where is all of the knowledge that has been poured down on the heads of the Latter-day Saints? Not the knowledge of man. The knowledge from heaven. Where are the Bible scholars? Where are the scholars in Hebrew and Greek? The Mormons as a whole are abysmally lacking in knowledge from heaven. 37. September 18, 1839. Reed Peck's Manuscript.
- 25 - 142 years have gone by and the Mormons have not marched to Jackson County yet. They should have had their marching orders prior to 1843. They had already tried to march to Zion (Independence, Jackson County, Missouri) in 1834 and the march failed (see number 20 above). They were to move into Zion (Independence) no later than September 11, 1836 (see number 23 above). The facts are that they were driven out of Zion and have never returned. 38. January 19, 1841. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 124:20-21.
The following can be found in the Church Chronology (page 36) under the date of Sunday, December 3, 1848.
Another promise frustrated (Section 3, verse 3). Of course the Mormon would say that all blessings are predicated on the righteousness of the people. Let's see what the Bible says about the righteous.
What does none righteous mean to you? What does all have sinned mean to you? To me it means everyone who has ever lived and will ever live. THAT'S WHY WE NEED JESUS CHRIST. Without Him we would all be lost. I am so grateful that I found the REAL JESUS before it was too late for me. Oh, how I pray that each of you will find Him before it is too late. It is so very simple to receive Him into your life as your personal Lord and Savior. Revelation 3:20 says the following:
Each of you can gain Eternal Life if you will take this step. The moment you do this you become part of the Kingdom of God. Try it! All you can lose is Eternal Damnation and all you can gain is Eternal Life. - 26 - There is another problem in Section 124. Verses 49 and 50 say the following.
What happened to the promises of the Mormon god that he would take care of the enemies of the saints? The above verses (49 & 50) so totally contradict so many things that the Mormon god has said in the past that I wonder what kind of a mind can accept such contradictions! The only way that a person could accept these kind of contradictions is to totally give up his mind to Satan. 39. March, 1841. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 125:1-4
What happened to Zion? It was supposed to flourish. It was not to be moved out of her place (see number 16 above). History records that Zarahemla failed, along with Nauvoo, Kirtland, Independence and every other attempt to settle until they finally arrived in Salt Lake where there was nobody to contend with for the land. The promises of the Mormon god have been broken so many times in the past that I wonder why anyone thinks he will produce on the promise of Eternal Life. It is an empty promise. 40. August 6, 1842. George Q. Cannon Diary. - 27 -
This is a questionable prophecy of Joseph Smith. If the Mormons want to accept it (evidence suggests that it is a forgery) they still have some problems with it. All you have to do is look at some of the statistics regarding Mormons in the Rocky Mountains to see that they are not as mighty as the public relations department of the Mormon church would have the world believe.
I believe that the facts are that the Mormons are not the mighty people that the public relations department of the Mormon church would have you believe. 41. August 6, 1842. Anson Call Diary, as reprted[sic] in Prophecies of Joseph Smith, and Their Fulfillment, Nephi Lowell Morris, Deseret book Company, 1926.
- 28 -
History records that Anson Call assisted in settling Millard County, Utah, a southern semidesert region of which Fillmore is the county seat (Church Chronology, page 44), The other "large" cities in that district are Delta, Hinckley, Kanosh, Leamington, Oasis and, Abraham. Anson Call did not assist in building cities from one end of the country to the other. He did not perform as great a work as has ever been done by man. Certainly the nations of the earth are not astonished at his achievements. Another clear cut false prophecy! 42. September 1, 1842. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 127:2
Another promise that Joseph Smith would triumph over his enemies. Simply did not come to pass. Joseph Smith died at the hands of his enemies. The Mormons were driven out of every place they tried to settle. The Mormon people and the Mormon god will never get together. The Mormon people can never reach the state of righteousness required by the Mormon god (obedience to all of the laws and ordinances of the gospel) and the Mormon god will not back down on his requirement to become perfect. Exaltation is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. 43. April 6, 1843. History of the Church, vol. 5, page 336 and Joseph Smith's Diary, March 10, 1843--July 14, 1843. [In addition to Mr. Tvedtnes response to this issue, see also, The Alleged 56-Year Second Coming Prophecy by Joseph Smith: An Analysis by Malin Jacobs.]
- 29 - The preceding account is found in the Church History. Notice the changes that have been made from the account in Joseph Smith's Diary
The Mormon historians have deleted "48 years hence or about 1890". I believe I can safely say that the rising generation came and died and Jesus has not returned (remember Matthew 24:36). He also did not come about 1890. The only way that you can escape the fact that this is a false prophecy is to perform mental gymnastics. Another interesting thought about this prophecy. Didn't Joseph Smith claim that he had already seen the face of the Son of Man? 44. May 18, 1843. History of the Church, vol. 5, page 394.
The Millennial Star, vol. 22, page 455 has the following prophecy of Joseph Smith recorded which is probably the same prophecy.
History records that Congress did not grant protection to the Mormons. It also records that Congress did not redress the wrongs committed against the Saints in the state of Missouri. There was no punishment of her officers 138 years have gone by and Congress is still intact. The government has not been destroyed (overthrown and wasted). Certainly you can see that this is a false prophecy. Remember, all you need is one (Deut. 18:22). 45. July 12, 1843. Doctrine & Covenants, Section 132:6,8,12,52-54, 62 & 66.
- 30 -
To begin with, Plural Marriage was to be an everlasting covenant. Where is it now? Everyone who is not living the law of Plural Marriage today is damned (verse 6). Verse 8 states that God's house is not a house of confusion. Amen. Mormon doctrine is so full of confusion that it cannot be from the One True God. Only a false god could create such a mass of confusion as exists in Mormonism. Verse 12 states that no man can shall come unto the Father but by me or by my word which is my law..." This is in absolute contradiction to Gods word in Galatians 2:16 and Galatians 3:10 & 11.
Verse 53 states that Joseph Smith would be strengthened. Less that one year later he was dead at the hands of his enemies. |
- 31 - Verse 62 is not only contrary to God's word in the Bible but it is also contrary to Section 101 of the 1835 Doctrine & Covenants where it said in verse 4, "...we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife; and one woman but one husband, except in case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again...." Here we have another example of the Mormon god changing his mind. Regarding verse 66, where is the additional information on the law of Plural Marriage that was supposed to be given to Joseph Smith? Certainly, if there was more to be revealed then it should have been revealed to one of the Presidents of the Mormon church before now. I believe with all my heart that the "new and everlasting covenant of Plural Marriage" was from Satan. The very least that can be said regarding Section 132 is that it has been frustrated. Remember Section 3, verse 3? 46. January 17, 1844. Joseph Smith Blessing.
I believe this might be the most clear cut false prophecy Joseph Smith ever gave. The key is in the second paragraph. History records that Joseph Smith III lived to be a ripe old age (I believe it was 82). He did not abide in the Mormon church. He abandoned the Utah church and became the President of the RLDS church on April 6, 1860, The fact that he lived to be such a ripe old age and the fact that he was not taken in an instant because he did not abide with the - 32 - Utah church is proof positive that this is a false prophecy. There is another aspect of this prophecy that most everyone has overlooked. This prophecy was only one of eight possible methods for the succession to the Presidency that Joseph Smith had established between 1834 and 1844. (See Sunstone, vol. 6, No. 2, pages 2-4.) 1. By a Counselor in the First
Presidency. For more information on the eight possible methods of succession see "The Mormon Succession Crisis of 1844", BYU Studies, Winter 1976, pp. 187-233 by D. MichaeI Quinn. In Section 132, verse 8, the god of Mormonism states, "Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion." Providing eight possible ways for the succession to the Presidency is utter chaos in my way of thinking. Having four (or more) versions of the First Vision that are all contradictory is also chaotic. See "The Early Accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision", BYU Studies, vol. 9, No, 3, Spring, 1969, pages 275-295, Dean C. Jessee. Mormonism is a mass of confusion when you really start studying it. Of course most of you haven't really studied it. 47. June 19, 1844. Mormon Neighbor.
On June 27, 1844 Joseph Smith was dead at the hand of his enemies. 48. Millennial Star, 19:343.
The Kirtland "anti-bank" failed in the summer of 1837. 49. Compendium, 1882, page 271.
Over 137 years have gone by since this Prophecy was uttered. Is that soon? - 33 - 50. Rocky Mountain Saints, Stenhouse, page 42.
In March, 1872, the Salt Lake City papers carried the following announcement: "Phelps---William Wines Phelps, born in the State of New Jersey, February 1792, died March 7, 1872, in Salt Lake City, Utah." Another false prophecy. 51. November 28, 1841. History of the Church, vol.4, page 461.
If the Book of Mormon is the most correct book on earth, why have there been at least 3,914 changes in it since the first edition in 1830? I have a photomechanical copy of the 1830 edition with all of the changes marked. I have even included the 1981 change in 2 Nephi 30:6 which changed "white and delightsome'' to "pure and delightsome". Why can't you find anything in the Book of Mormon about some of the essential doctrines of the Mormon church? Such as the following:
If the Book of Mormon contains "...the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles and to the Jews also;" why aren't the above doctrines found in it? - 34 - 52. Journal of Discourses, vol. 12:204.
If Joseph Smith really said the above, and I have no reason to doubt Brigham Young, then at least 137 years have gone by since Joseph Smith said it (he died in June, 1844). Of course the time element was added by Brigham Young, but he is another false prophet entirely. ***************************************************** The above prophecies are only a few of the prophecies of Joseph Smith. I declare that the ones listed above are false. Some of them are more clearly false than others. According to Deuteronomy 18:22 all you need is one. If you are going to play ostrich and ignore them then you are lost. I plead for you not to do that. In this letter I have only tested Joseph Smith according to two tests. There are at least two others.
If you apply the above two tests to Joseph Smith the case against him is devastating. The first applies to doctrines that are taught by Joseph Smith that are not in harmony with the Bible (law and testimony). There are so many doctrines that he taught that are not in harmony with the Bible that it would take an entire book to cover them. The second one applies to the prophet that teacheth lies. That would take another book. My feelings are that if you can't accept the simple truth of the false prophecies outlined in this letter then you won't accept anything no matter how clear it is. My heart aches for my family and friends that are still in the Mormon church. I love you all very much. If you would like to ask me any questions regarding the above please contact me at P.O. Box 530, Orangevale, Ca. 95662 or call me at (916) 723-4537. Do me one favor. If you agree with me on the above false prophecies please let me know that you agree. Write to me. If you don't agree with me then "Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand wherein I have erred." (Job 6:24). In fact I believe it is the duty of everyone who reads this letter to point out where I have made mistakes in my research. If I have made a - 35 - mistake I want you to know that it is an honest mistake. Please don't accuse me of being a liar like so many Mormons do (including the closest members of my family). I might not understand things the way you do, but does that make me a liar when I present my views? Now, a request to those of you who discover that I am telling the truth. I really would like to hear from you if you agree with me. Just drop me a postcard with the words "false Prophecies" I agree with you. If any of you discover additional false prophecies of Joseph Smith please write the details of the false prophecy and send it to me so I can include it with the rest, I know there are lots more, I know that this letter has been a long one. I have tried to be brief. Much more can be said regarding the above false prophecies, however. If you can't see the truth from the above I doubt that additional comments will convince you. One last comment. So many of you have stated that I am a miserable, unhappy man because I have left the church. I don't know how you can say that when not one of you has spent more than a few short hours with me since I left the church (some of you will not even enter my home). Like Mormonism you are basing your decision on incomplete and inaccurate information. I am as happy as any person can be knowing that every member of my family is being led to their eternal destruction. I will never be totally happy until every member of my family is a member of the Kingdom of God. Patty and I pray for all of you constantly. All of my friends are praying for you. We will continue to pray for you until the last of the family are safe in the Kingdom of God. Then we will continue to pray for you as you grow in the Lord. We love you all very much.