Letter to Thomas B.
The Council of the Twelve
47 East South Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
October 18, 1978
Mr. Thomas B. McAffee
Utah Law Review, College of Law
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Dear Mr. McAffee:
This is in reply to your letter
of September 20, 1978, to President Spencer W. Kimball of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints in which you asked some questions about the so-called doctrine of blood
atonement. I have been asked, by President Kimball and by the First Presidency to respond
to your inquiries
You note that I and President
Joseph Fielding Smith and some of our early church leaders have said and written about
this doctrine and you asked if the doctrine of blood atonement is an official doctrine of
the Church today.
If by blood atonement is meant
the atoning sacrifice of Christ, the answer is Yes. If by blood atonement is meant the
shedding of the blood of men to atone in some way for their own sins, the answer is No.
We believe that the blood of
Christ, shed in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross of Calvary, cleanses all men
from sin on condition of repentance. As expressed by a Book of Mormon scripture:
"Salvation was, and is, and is to come, in and through the atoning blood of Christ,
the Lord Omnipotent. (Mosiah 3:18.)
We do not believe that it
is necessary for men in this day to shed their own blood to receive a remission of sins.
This is said with a full awareness of what I and others have written and said on this
subject in times past
In order to understand what
Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Charles W. Penrose and others have said, we must mention
that there are some sins for which the blood of Christ alone does not cleanse a
person. These include blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (as defined by the Church) and that
murder which is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice. However, and this
cannot be stressed too strongly, this law has not been given to the Church at any
time in this dispensation. It has no application whatever to anyone now living
whether he is a member or a non-member of the Church. |
Mr. Thomas B. McAffee
October 18, 1978
Page 2
There simply is no such thing
among us as a doctrine of blood atonement that grants a remission of sins or confers any
other benefit upon a person because his own blood is shed for sins. Let me say
categorically and unequivocally that this doctrine can only operate in a day when there is
no separation of Church and State and when the power to take life is vested in the ruling
theocracy as was the case in the day of Moses. From the day of Joseph Smith to the present
there has been no single instance of so-called blood atonement under any pretext.
Anything I have written or
anything said by anyone else must be understood in the light of the foregoing limitation.
Brigham Young and the others were speaking of a theoretical principle that operated
in ages past and not in either their or our day. As I recall, Brigham
Young's illustrations were taken from the day of Moses and the history of ancient Israel
and could not be applied today.
There is no such a doctrine as
blood atonement in the Church today nor has there been at any time. Any statements to the
contrary are either idle speculation or pure fantasy. It is certainly not the current
teaching of the Church and I have never in over 60 years of regular church attendance
heard a single sermon on the subject or even a discussion in any church class.
You asked if the statements of
our leaders of the past, including those found in the Journal of Discourses, represent the
official stand of the Church. The answer, as indicated in the comments above set forth, is
that they do not. The statements pertain to a theoretical principle that has
been neither revealed to nor practiced by us.
If by blood atonement is meant
capital punishment, then any proper analysis of the subject would call the matter by the
name capital punishment and not by the name blood atonement. To use this latter term is
wholly misleading and stirs up the idea that we believe in that which we most emphatically
do not believe.
We believe in capital
punishment. In a revelation to Joseph Smith, on February 9, 1831, the Lord said:
now, behold, I speak unto the church. Thou shalt not kill; and he that kills shall not
have forgiveness in this world, nor in the world to come. And again, I say, thou shalt not
kill; but he that killeth shall die." (D. & C. 42:18-19.)
In answering some false and
scurrilous charges published against the Latter-day Saints, the President of the Church,
who then was Wilford Woodruff, on January 9, 1891, wrote to the |
Mr. Thomas B. McAffee
October 18, 1978
Page 3
editor of the Illustrated American. President Woodruff referred to the doctrine
herein being considered as "the blood atonement fiction," and as "the false
theory of blood atonement copied by the writer in the American from old newspaper
Then he recites what the
doctrine of the Church is when the term blood atonement is used simply as a synonym for
capital punishment.
"It is a fundamental
doctrine of our creed that a murderer cannot be forgiven; that he 'hath not eternal life
abiding in him'; that if a member of our Church, having received the light of the Holy
Spirit, commits this capital crime, he will not receive forgiveness in this world nor in
the world to come. The revelations of God to the Church abound in commandments
forbidding us to shed blood."
With specific reference to
capital punishment as practiced by the State and not the Church he said:
is part of our faith that the only atonement a murdere[r] can make for his 'sin unto
death' is the sheddinq of his own blood, according to the fiat of the Almighty after
the flood: 'Whoso sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed.'
But the law
must be executed by the lawfully appointed officer. This is 'blood atonement,' so much
perverted by maligners of our faith. We believe also in the atonement wrought by the
shedding of Christ's blood on Calvary; that it is efficacious for all the race of Adam for
the sin committed by Adam, and for the individual sins of all who believe, repent, are
baptized by one having authority, and who receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of
authorized hands. Capital crime committed by such an enlightened person
cannot be condoned by the Redeemer's blood. For him there is 'no more sacrifice for sin';
his life is forfeit, and he only can pay the penalty. There is no other blood atonement
taught, practiced or made part of the creed of the Latter-day Saints."
I repeat: Except for the
atonement of Christ, which is or should be a part of the creeds of all Christian churches;
and except for the use of the term "blood atonement" as a synonym--nothing
more--of "capital punishment" where "enlightened" members of the
Church are concerned, there is no such a doctrine in this dispensation as blood atonement.
I have in my file a letter dated
February 12, 1971, signed by Presidents Joseph Fielding Smith and Harold B. Lee as and for
the First Presidency which shows that the theoretical principle of blood atonement has no
application in any dispensation when there is a separation of Church and State.
They refer to the death of Christ by Jewish hands as a "capital crime," and then
quote the following from the third chapter of Acts: |
Mr. Thomas B. McAffee
October 18, 1978
Page 4
"And now,
brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers .
. .
"Repent ye therefore, and
be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come
from the presence of the Lord;
"And he shall send Jesus
Christ, which before was preached unto you.":
Then they say:
"From the
above it is understood that this is a matter which must be left in the hands of the Lord,
not for man to determine."
Now, as to your
final question--whether blood atonement, "if" it is "a valid
doctrine," would hale any affect on the mode of imposing the death
penalty, I need only say:
1. |
Since there is no such thing as blood atonement, except as indicated
above, the mode of execution could have no bearing on the matter of atoning
for one's sins; and |
2. |
If we are speaking simply of capital punishment (and falsely calling it
blood atonement), still I can see no reason for supposing that it makes the slightest
difference how an execution is accomplished. |
As far as I can see there is no
difference between a firing squad, an electric chair, a gas chamber, or hanging.
Death is
death and I would interpret the shedding of man's blood in legal executions as a
figurative expression which means the taking of life. There seems to me to be no present
significance as to whether an execution is by a firing squad or in some other way.
I, of
course, deleted my article on "hanging" from the Second Edition of Mormon
Doctrine because of the reasoning here mentioned.
As far as I am
concerned you are at liberty to quote from or use this letter in any way you
deem proper.
Sincerely, |
Bruce R. McConkie |
BRM:vh |