Question 42 Critic's Question:
Response: John A. Tvedtnes and Malin Jacobs The term “martyr” is Greek in origin and means “witness.” The Encyclopedia Britannica states:
The first paragraph of the Catholic Encyclopedia entry for martyr says essentially the same thing, but provides more detrail:
Both these sources go on to say that for Christians martyr quickly took on the additional meaning of one who was willing to die rather than recant his faith. But "willing to die" does not mean "goes looking for death" or "will not resist being killed." "Willing to die rather than recant" means that for the true Christian, recanting his faith is not an option. There is no requirement that to be a martyr one must suffer death without resisting, though one who does is certainly a martyr. One who dies rather than renounce his religion is a martyr whether or not he fights for his life. One does not have to die to be a witness, but the strongest witness is one who dies for his testimony, which is what Joseph Smith did. When one considers that the mob of about 200 were armed with rifles and that Joseph and his companions had but two pistols (one a six-shooter and the other a single shot), the term “blazing gunfight” in the question is a gross exaggeration, used to belittle Joseph Smith's martyrdom. When the mob began bursting through the door, Hyrum cocked the single-shot pistol but fell dead before he could pull the trigger. At this, Joseph fired down the stairway with the six-shooter, but three of the shots misfired.3 We do not know if any of his three shots wounded or killed anyone. There are no contemporary reports of members of the mob being killed. The story that Joseph is reported to have killed a couple of the Mobocrats in the fracas seems to have been recently invented by critics of the LDS Church, none of whom has yet presented evidence for the assertion. One mob member was later treated for a wound, but he could have been shot by one of his fellows. Mobocrats at the bottom of the stairs were shooting up the stairway into the door outside of which other members of the mob were trying to enter the room. Joseph dropped the revolver and ran to the window to distract the mob. The tactic worked. He was shot and fell outside, whereupon the mobbers abandoned the stairway to go outside the building.4 The only two reported deaths were Joseph and Hyrum Smith. John Taylor was severely wounded while Willard Richards remained unharmed. Joseph Smith certainly died as a martyr, and the so-called "blazing gunfight" was clearly one-sided. Notes: 1. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1968 ed., v. 14, p. 984. 2. The Catholic Encyclopedia may be found online at http://www.newadvent.org/ with the entry for martyr appearing at http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09736b.htm 3. B. H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Century I, Vol. II, pp. 284-5 (Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press, 1965). |